Dataset extent

Raw SADCP data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 007, April 2013

This is raw Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (SADCP) data from the Marion Island Relief Voyage on the SA Agulhas II Voyage 007, 10 April to 16 May 2013. The 2013 Marion Relief Voyage 007 on board South Africa’s new polar research and supply vessel, the SA Agulhas II, afforded yet another opportunity to conduct multi-institutional (DEA, DAFF, UCT, SAEON, Rhodes University) and multi-disciplinary ship-based oceanographic research that focused on links and interactions between air and sea, ocean physics, biogeochemistry, plankton and benthic communities and island-based top predators. The overall aim is to establish an oceanographic observation and monitoring system directed by South African research institutions in support of South Africa’s needs – and where possible, the global requirements of the Southern Ocean Observation System (SOOS), CCAMLR, ACAP, etc., by documenting ship-board observations in the oceanic environment around the Prince Edward Islands in a holistic manner, from the sea floor, through water column and food-web dynamics, to air-sea interactions and their respective role in the general global thermohaline circulation realm. With the recent declaration – on 5 April 2013 – of the Prince Edward Islands (PEIs) as South Africa’s first offshore Marine Protected Area (MPA), the outcomes of this cruise will contribute toward an integrated view and a better understanding of the functioning of the combined island/marine PEI ecosystem.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated February 13, 2025, 09:40 (UTC)
Created February 13, 2025, 09:40 (UTC)
contactInfo 2nd Floor, Foretrust Building, 1 Martin Hammerschlag Way, Cape Town, South Africa
harvest_object_id 99bdc30d-0361-4ce1-a10d-24ea08aa905b
harvest_source_id c880098e-385a-4d72-80f0-2f1d6603b53b
harvest_source_title MIMS
individualName Hans Verheye
organizationName Oceans and Coastal Research, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)
positionName Specialist Scientist
role principalInvestigator
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[18.5, -47.5], [43.0, -47.5], [43.0, -34.998], [18.5, -34.998], [18.5, -47.5]]]}
xmax 43.0
xmin 18.5
ymax -34.998
ymin -47.5